Seafarer ENG-1 Medicals

Please read the following information carefully.

Please bring the following items to your appointment (you cannot be seen unless you do):

  • A valid discharge book/seaman's card, passport, driver's licence, national ID or citizen card. No other forms of identification can be accepted.
  • The last original (not a photocopy) ENG 1 or equivalent overseas certificate (unless it is a first appointment).
  • Spectacles or contact lenses, if worn, plus spares (if you wear contact lenses please do not wear them on the day of the examination, as you will need to remove them for testing unaided vision).
  • Any medications, recent letters, discharge notes etc. which relate to medical treatment since the last medical examination.

RE non-English speaking seafarers - Please be informed that a medical cannot be carried out unless an interpreter also attends.

Payment by card preferred (cash and cheques accepted).
No VAT surcharge.
Invoice can be sent to companies (please supply purchase order).