Emergency Response Teams - Certificate of Fitness to Participate in ERT Duties

Please read the following information carefully.

You should already hold a valid UK Oil & Gas Certificate to book this medical.

Oil & Gas UK recommends that ERT members tasked with physically strenuous activities undergo regular Medical Examination and Aerobic Capacity Assessment.

The Chester Step Test is an acceptable and reasonably reproducible method. It has been determined that a VO2 max of 35mls/Kg/min is the minimum that would indicate that individuals will have a physical capability adequate for normal ERT duties (applicable to installations and locations with fixed firefighting apparatus).

Aerobic capacity assessment should be undertaken annually.

Please bring the following items to your appointment (you cannot be seen unless you do):

  • certified photographic proof of identity (e.g. driving license or passport)
  • UK Oil & Gas Certificate
  • spectacles or contact lenses, if worn (if you wear contact lenses please do not wear them on the day of the examination, as you will need to remove them for testing your unaided vision)
  • a list of medications you take

Payment by card preferred (cash and cheques accepted).
No VAT surcharge.
Invoice can be sent to companies (please supply purchase order).